Hyderabad: Following his arrest in connection with the catastrophic stampede at Sadhya Theatre, actor Allu Arjun has been placed on 14-day judicial remand by the Nampalli Court. The violence, which was precipitated by the actor's sudden entrance, killed one woman and injured numerous others. Allu Arjun was arrested under Sections 105, 118(1), and 3/5 of the BNS Act, on charges of negligence and endangering public safety. His legal team had previously made a plea for relief, but the court has now ordered the actor's remand while the inquiry is ongoing. The story has received attention because of its similarity to previous situations involving celebrities and crowd management, generating concerns about accountability and public safety measures. The investigation is underway.
Allu Arjun Sentenced to Remand at Chanchalguda Jail
December 13, 2024
Allu Arjun Sentenced to Remand at Chanchalguda Jail
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